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(631) 338 6655

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice. The practitioner channels life force energy, known as reiki, through you for healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Life force energy is seen in many cultures; in Yoga’s language of Sanskrit, it is called Prana, in the Chinese healing arts it is called Chi. As the Energy moves through you it will align your energy field, move out any stagnant or old energy, and fill you with fresh rejuvenating energy. At the end of the session, you will feel lighter, more peaceful, and more deeply connected.

There is no work for you to do during these sessions. You can fall asleep and still fully receive the benefits. You will relax in a lying position while the healing energy is transferred through your body.

I also offer essential oils, oracle cards, and crystals with these sessions.


Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that stretches far beyond the physical Asana that we see in Yoga classes in the West. Yoga means Union. It is a Union of the Body, Mind, and Soul. It is also a Union of the Yogi and the Divine. This practice’s traditional methods align your body and energy to facilitate overall healing.

Some of the physical benefits include spinal alignment, pain relief, flexibility, and muscle toning.

Yoga and Meditation are tied together. In the 8 Limbs of Yoga, Patanjali describes the path to enlightenment. The first 4 limbs explain how to treat yourself, how to treat others, breath work, and the poses. The next four limbs are the steps through meditation to enlightenment. This is a Yogic story and path.


Meditation is found in many cultures and practices in many different styles. Some styles include Visualization, Sound, Focused-Attention, Loving-Kindness, Mindfulness, and Walking Meditation. There are also many ways to sit, lay, stand or walk. During meditation sessions, we will discover which meditations work to ease your very unique system.

Meditation has been proven to decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, improve focus and memory, and support immune function, toxin release, and hormone regulation.


Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. The practice focuses on “Breath, whole-body health, and whole-body commitment; with the whole body encompassing body, mind, and spirit.”

(The Pilates Foundation)

Using Pilates we can tone and lengthen the entire body. By focusing on muscle engagement, you will form proper alignment and body awareness that shows up outside of class.

Some physical benefits of Pilates include improved overall strength, posture, flexibility, and balance. Pilates also aids in stress reduction and improves focus and memory.

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